Searching for Victims Of Abuse Support Programs
Located near Winnipeg
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* operates a child abuse hotline
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
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Gender Based Violence Information, Support Services and Shelter
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- provides safety, crisis counselling, intervention, shelter, support, referral information to those impacted by gender-based violence
- answers a 24 hour toll-free regional crisis line with emergency assistance
- provides short-term residential housing
- provides counselling, resources, advocacy
- holds public education, awareness, training sessions
- makes referrals to appropriate resources
- offers assistance with housing, legal issues
- has follow-up programs
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- provides mental health and addictions counseling
- offers counselling for employment and training, including adult education, academic upgrading, apprenticeship / work experience
- has counselling and support groups for youth and child mental health
- offers Children and Parenting support (Parent/child programs, Parenting Teens)
- provides health support groups
- offers abuse and assault counselling
- provides LGBTQ2S counselling
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* operates a child abuse hotline
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
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Services of MOVA
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* provides education, awareness through public forums, media, mall awareness booths, forums for Government officials and police
* maintains, provides crisis plus long term emotional support
* offers support group outreach to families of homicide victims, plus siblings and children
* provides information on accessing information from National Parole Board, Corrections, Crown Prosecutors, police and courts
* offers resources including a list of professional and support services, informative web site, help line for victims in distress or in need of assistance
* accompanies victims, families of homicide victims in court as support during trials, plus Court preparation
* researches, develops support services for victims' needs in Manitoba with a focus on families of homicide victims
* offers a monthly Sharing Session which provides an opportunity to share feelings, emotions, experiences in an atmosphere of trust, empathy, and confidentiality
* maintains, provides crisis plus long term emotional support
* offers support group outreach to families of homicide victims, plus siblings and children
* provides information on accessing information from National Parole Board, Corrections, Crown Prosecutors, police and courts
* offers resources including a list of professional and support services, informative web site, help line for victims in distress or in need of assistance
* accompanies victims, families of homicide victims in court as support during trials, plus Court preparation
* researches, develops support services for victims' needs in Manitoba with a focus on families of homicide victims
* offers a monthly Sharing Session which provides an opportunity to share feelings, emotions, experiences in an atmosphere of trust, empathy, and confidentiality
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- has counselling / peer support groups for men who have experienced abuse in a relationship
- sponsors workshops, retreats, ongoing support groups for couples, women, men, youth
- offers training for professionals to increase their skills in marital / family counselling
- offers presentation of violence workshops for schools
- provides general enrichment programs to enable persons to better cope with events in their lives
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- provides mental health and addictions counseling
- offers counselling for employment and training, including adult education, academic upgrading, apprenticeship / work experience
- has counselling and support groups for youth and child mental health
- offers Children and Parenting support (Parent/child programs, Parenting Teens)
- provides health support groups
- offers abuse and assault counselling
- provides LGBTQ2S counselling
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offers therapeutic and support services including
- Short Term Counselling
- Long Term Therapy (up to 2 years)
- Psycho-educational / Therapy / Support Groups
- Moving Forward Workshops
- Capacity Building Webinars
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- provides a safe place for families who have left abusive relationships
- works closely with these women to build back their self-confidence and self-reliance
- offers counselling, support groups, children's counselling, a healthy coping program
- promotes physical and emotional healing in a safe, residential setting
- provides a fully furnished 2-bedroom apartment for clients in the 12 month program
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- is a 17-week intervention program for men who have abused or neglected their children, or exposed them to domestic violence
- facilitates group by an accredited Caring Dads trained service provider
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provides women and their children affected by intimate partner violence with full-time counselling and support services while living in the confidential and secure program suites.
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- provides counselling and support to immigrant/newcomer women whose lives have been impacted by domestic violence.
- provides help to women who experienced trauma and abuse in Canada and/or in their home country
- offers services including counselling / support around cultural adaptation, domestic violence, trauma/abuse, safety planning, protection order applications
- provides services including information on women's rights in Canada, access to professional interpreters, therapy/support groups (anger management, stress management, coping, healthy relationship, parenting, women's wellness among others)
- gives referrals to services including housing, Employment and Income Assistance, Legal Aid, among others
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- provides confidential support for women who have exited/are exiting an abusive relationship
- provides legal services including legal representation, legal advice and information, Legal Aid applications, assistance in preparing legal documents, information and assistance with protective orders
- offers accompaniment to court or appointments
- provides advocacy, referrals
- runs support groups; provides supportive counselling, anger management
- gives presentations on family law
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- provides 24/7 support and counselling to trafficked persons, and anyone else affected by trafficking including service providers, family, friends, co-workers
- offers information and referrals regarding resources
- provides a reporting option if caller is unable or unwilling to contact police
- offers information on human trafficking to the general public
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is a 24-hour phone line that provides information and crisis intervention to sexual assault victims and those close to them
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Improving the Quality of Life
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provides mental health therapy services for Manitoba First Nation community members in family violence crises
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- provides literature, materials, online resources to educate the public on the dangers of impaired driving
- supports victims through the grieving and legal process via victim services volunteers
- offers print / online resources, Toll Free Telephone support, victims' tributes, memorial wall, online tributes, vigils
- provides death notification training to police officers, EMS, fire departments
- holds victim services training workshops
- hosts public awareness campaigns (RID 911, Project Red Ribbon) and videos
- distributes multimedia events to schools throughout Manitoba
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DIRECTED EMPOWERMENT: Support for Immigrant Women Impacted by Domestic Abuse
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- provide1-on-1 support, facilitated by a SHADE case worker, with one or multiplesessions as needed
- offer psychosocial counselling, identifying areas of pain and hurt that arecaused over the duration of abusive relationships; works toward a path ofrecovery
- provides clients with the necessary support required to begin their healingprocess and move on in self-determination
- addresses mental, physical, and social issues
- offer practical support, customized to the situation of each client,identifying particular needs to be addressed
- provides support to access public and private resources (housing, financialassistance, legal, transportation, education, employment readiness, childschool enrolment, daycare)
- provides awareness of legal supports and information
- teaches advocacy in communicating with other agencies
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- offers outreach counselling by phone respecting domestic violence
- offers on-site counselling at partner agency
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- provides short-term protective shelter for women and women-identifying individuals who are experiencing family violence, gender-based violence or intimate partner violence
- provides participants with individual and group counseling, follow up services, referral services, advocacy
- provides daily needs; connects participants to providers for essentials like clothing, furnishings, household needs
- offers 24-hour violence prevention services for men and male-identifying individuals (shelter is separate location)
- offers outreach counseling services for men and women
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