Searching for Crisis Lines For Abused People
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* operates a child abuse hotline
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
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Gender Based Violence Information, Support Services and Shelter
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- provides safety, crisis counselling, intervention, shelter, support, referral information to those impacted by gender-based violence
- answers a 24 hour toll-free regional crisis line with emergency assistance
- provides short-term residential housing
- provides counselling, resources, advocacy
- holds public education, awareness, training sessions
- makes referrals to appropriate resources
- offers assistance with housing, legal issues
- has follow-up programs
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* operates a child abuse hotline
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
* provides supportive and preventive services to families
* provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
* provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
* provides preservation and reunification services to families
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- provides 24/7 support and counselling to trafficked persons, and anyone else affected by trafficking including service providers, family, friends, co-workers
- offers information and referrals regarding resources
- provides a reporting option if caller is unable or unwilling to contact police
- offers information on human trafficking to the general public
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is a 24-hour phone line that provides information and crisis intervention to sexual assault victims and those close to them
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- provides short-term protective shelter for women and women-identifying individuals who are experiencing family violence, gender-based violence or intimate partner violence
- provides participants with individual and group counseling, follow up services, referral services, advocacy
- provides daily needs; connects participants to providers for essentials like clothing, furnishings, household needs
- offers 24-hour violence prevention services for men and male-identifying individuals (shelter is separate location)
- offers outreach counseling services for men and women
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Domestic Violence Support Services
1-877-977-0007 1-866-484-2846 (1-866-4-VICTIM)
Visit Website
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- helps victims of domestic violence in Manitoba when criminal charges have been laid
- assists individuals who receive police services for domestic violence incidents that do not result in charges or arrests.
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- provides 24/7, confidential support to discuss/report abuse, harassment, bullying or hazing in sport
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- provides child welfare assistance outside regular office hours
- responds to emergency and non-emergency calls, whether a family is currently being served by one of the agencies, or are requiring assistance for the first time
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- operates a 24 hour province-wide telephone crisis line offering counselling, information and referral, emotional support
- offers a 30-day shelter program for women and children fleeing an abusive intimate partner relationship. Services include individual and group counselling, as well as advocacy and referral services.
- offers a limited number of furnished suites as an interim housing option
- provides follow up services which may include individual / group counselling, advocacy, referrals, home visits, safety planning, assistance obtaining protection orders
- provides outreach services that offers presentations and information on domestic violence to schools, community groups and agencies.
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- operates a child abuse hotline
- provides supportive and preventive services to families
- provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
- provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
- provides preservation and reunification services to families
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- operates an emergency domestic / family violence shelter for abused women and their children
- offers an alternate location for abused men
- offers 24/7 crisis telephone for people in abusive situations who are seeking help
- offers referrals/support to access community resources for individuals who are experiencing domestic / family violence
- delivers programming for those using Nova House services that include ongoing awareness building and educational workshops
- provides continued support through follow-up counselling program
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- operates a child abuse hotline
- provides supportive and preventive services to families
- provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
- provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
- provides preservation and reunification services to families
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- operates a child abuse hotline
- provides supportive and preventive services to families
- provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
- provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
- provides preservation and reunification services to families
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- is a shelter for women in crisis, and their children (up to and including age 17)
- offers free counselling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to residents and non-shelter residents by phone, or by scheduling a one-on-one session
- has support groups and programs for women in the community
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* is mandated to protect children and strengthen families
* offers early childhood education programs for vulnerable families to support a child's learning and development
* has programs that support parents in meeting the education / development needs of their children through the parents' own education and learning of parenting skills
* promotes parental attachment and development through play and family literacy programs
* has programs that link isolated parents to networks of support
* helps connect parents to community services / resources that exist to support them
* works in partnership with other community based agencies to provide services that offer Westman families care and support, including (but not limited to):
* offers early childhood education programs for vulnerable families to support a child's learning and development
* has programs that support parents in meeting the education / development needs of their children through the parents' own education and learning of parenting skills
* promotes parental attachment and development through play and family literacy programs
* has programs that link isolated parents to networks of support
* helps connect parents to community services / resources that exist to support them
* works in partnership with other community based agencies to provide services that offer Westman families care and support, including (but not limited to):
- family strengthening and life skills programs
- parenting courses and workshops
- family literacy programs
- counselling services
- opportunities for parents and children to learn and play together
- in-home family support
- children's therapy program
- adoption and foster care services
- group care
- single expectant parent services
- volunteer opportunities
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- operates a child abuse hotline
- provides supportive and preventive services to families
- provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
- provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
- provides preservation and reunification services to families
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- provides short-term, emergency shelter for women and their children
- has Protection Order Designates (PODS) on site to assist with application orders
- offers crisis counselling, walk-in counselling by appointment
- provides advocacy and referral for abused women and their children
- offers public education and presentations
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- operates a child abuse hotline
- provides supportive and preventive services to families
- provides protection services to children at risk of abuse and neglect
- provides specialized placement services to meet the needs of children in care
- provides preservation and reunification services to families
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- operates a 24-hour telephone crisis line
- operates an emergency shelter for women (and their children) who are victims of family violence
- offers individual counseling, counseling for children, weekly support groups, parenting programs, follow-up services, a resource centre of books, videos on a range of topics
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